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Pacius - The Princess of Cyprus Sep 2004 €15
Beethoven - Complete works for solo piano, Vol.1 Sep 2004 €15
Rimsky-Korsakov - Capriccio Espagnol, Op.34 Sep 2004 €15
Vivaldi - Vespers of Sorrow Sep 2004 €15
Alfvén - The Symphonies & Rhapsodies Sep 2004 €45
Sibelius - Snöfrid (Cantatas and orchestral works) Aug 2004 €15
Stravaganze Napoletane - Music for baroque ensemble Aug 2004 €15
Tchaikovsky - Symphony No.1, Winter Daydreams Aug 2004 €15
Skalkottas - 16 Melodies for mezzo-soprano and piano Aug 2004 €15
Voices of Nature - choir music by Schnittke and Pärt Jul 2004 €15
J.S. Bach - Cantatas, Vol.25 (BWV 78, 99, 114) Jul 2004 €15
C.P.E. Bach - Solo Keyboard Music, Vol.12 Jul 2004 €15
Beethoven - Piano Trios Op.1 & 97 Jul 2004 €15
Liszt - Sonata in B minor for piano Jul 2004 €15
Duo a Piacere - Music for violin and guitar Jul 2004 €15 is a completely virtual record label and a secure online store open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Customers and visitors can download classical music in high quality FLAC or MP3 and find out more about classical music. Terms and Conditions