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Hans-Ola Ericsson - The Four Beasts´ Amen

Composer Hans-Ola Ericsson
Performer Tommy Björk
Hans-Ola Ericsson
Anders Hannus
Susanne Rydén
Period Contemporary
Catalogue Number BIS-1486 SACD
EAN 7318599914862
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date May 2006
Total time 79'49

Music Web International: Recording of the Year 2006.

An outstanding organist, especially in the field of contemporary music, Hans-Ola Ericsson has collaborated with composers such as Messiaen, Cage and Ligeti on the interpretation of their works. (His recording of the complete organ works by Messiaen is considered by many one to be one of the finest accounts of this central 20th-century repertoire.)

But Ericsson is also a composer, one of great integrity and originality. The works on this disc were written between 1985 and 2004, and frame a period of almost 15 years during which Ericsson came to question his work as a composer. As he writes in his liner notes, severe doubts made him experience the act of composing as ‘a black hole whose force absorbs all one’s energy’.
Through his work as a performer and teacher, it was the organ that gave his writing a new momentum: ‘The organ, with all its complexity and stylistic diversity, has inspired me; in particular the early baroque instruments. The sonic individuality that these instruments represent, with the unequal temperament as an important parameter, has been a major source of inspiration to me.’
Though the music is anything but backward-looking, baroque organs do pervade much of this disc: the Organ Mass was composed for the inauguration of the reconstructed Arp Schnitger organ in Örgryte New Church (Sweden), and the electronic part makes use of sounds from the different instruments that have formed the basis of this research project. Canzon del principe, based on a work by Gesualdo, is performed on a reconstruction of one of seventeenth-century Sweden’s finest instruments, and Flügeltüren (‘Organ Shutters’) was inspired by the shutters of the organ case in Grote St. Laurenskerk in Alkmaar, where all the electronic sounds were recorded. An exciting programme which thus combines the very old with the very new in organ music.
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  Hans-Ola Ericsson
  The Four Beasts´ Amen. Mass for organ and electronics based
on texts by Olov Hartman
01 Preludium - Embers 4'38
02 Kyrie - The Key 5'54
03 Gloria - Wing-mirrors 1'17
04 Halleluja 0'21
05 Interludium - ...concealed in every stone... 9'34
06 Sanctus - The Seed 3'34
07 Agnus Dei - ...branching out... 5'17
08 Communion - Scala angelica 7'58
09 Postludium - Nails 7'38
10 Melody to the Memory of a Lost Friend XIII, for organ and electronics 9'57
11 Canzon del Principe. An intabulation on an intabulation for organ and electronics (Don Carlo Gesualdo) 4'59
  from Höga Visan (Song of Songs), a church opera 16'51
12 Flügeltüren, for organ, percussion and electronics 13'58
13 Vocalise, for high soprano and organ 2'53
  Album total 79'49
ComposerEricsson, Hans-Ola
OrganEricsson, Hans-Ola
Sound direction/electronicsHannus, Anders
PercussionBjork (Björk), Tommy
SopranoRydén, Susanne is a completely virtual record label and a secure online store open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Customers and visitors can download classical music in high quality FLAC or MP3 and find out more about classical music. Terms and Conditions