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Rautavaara - Chamber Music

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  Einojuhani Rautavaara
01 Fiddlers (Pelimannit), Op.1 8'00
02 Sonetto for Clarinet and Piano, Op.53 6'30
03 Sonata for Flutes and Guitar 6'54
  String Quartet No.4, Op.87 21'37
04 I. 10'43
05 II. 4'54
06 III. 6'00
  Monologues of the Unicorn
07 I. Monologue with JSB - II. Monologue with Claude-Achille - III. Monologue with Ad. Schbeg - IV. Monologue with Igor 6'35
  Serenades of the Unicorn
08 I. A nervous promenade and dance - II. Serenading a pair of giggly nymphs - III. Serenading the beauty unobtainable - IV. Having a grand time 6'48
  Ludus verbalis
09 I. Personalia - II. Temporalia - III. Qualitativa - IV. Quantitativa 3'34
  Children´s Mass (Lapsimessu) 14'29
10 I. Kyrie 2'36
11 II. Meditatio super Kyrie 2'47
12 III. Gloria 1'12
13 IV. Meditatio super Gloriam 1'10
14 V. Agnus Dei - VI. Meditatio super Agnum 4'58
15 VII. Halleluja 1'46
  Album total 76'50
OrchestraEspon Kamariorkesteri
Helsinki Chamber Orchestra (Helsingin Kamariorkesteri)
ConductorPohjola, Erkki
Segerstam, Leif
ComposerRautavaara, Einojuhani
ClarinetStevensson, Kjell-Inge
PianoKnardahl, Eva
GuitarBlanco, Diego
Savijoki, Jukka
FluteBahr, Gunilla von
EnsembleVoces Intimae Quartet
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