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Villa-Lobos - Floresta do Amazonas

Composer Heitor Villa-Lobos
Performer Anna Korondi
São Paulo Symphony Orchestra Choir
São Paulo Symphony Orchestra
John Neschling, conductor
Period Romantic
Catalogue Number BIS-1660 SACD
EAN 7318599916606
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date Jun 2010
Total time 78'38

Classics Today 10/10: "Simply magnificent".

In some of his very first orchestral scores, such as Uirapuru from 1917, Heitor Villa-Lobos was already concerned with the vast Amazonian forests. The subject surfaces in a number of works throughout his production, for instance in the depictions of virgin forests in Choros No.3 and No.10. In Floresta do Amazonas, one of his very last works, Villa-Lobos again focused explicitly on the rain forest, the creatures that live in it, and the myths that have been woven around it. The work has been described as a symphonic poem for soprano, male-voice choir and large orchestra, and began its existence as a commission for the soundtrack to The Green Mansions, a Hollywood film starring Audrey Hepburn and Anthony Perkins. Not used to writing for the cinema, Villa-Lobos did not consider the need to synchronize the music with what was going to take place on the screen. He therefore arrived in Hollywood with a finished score, and eventually another composer was engaged to write the film music, in which some of Villa-Lobos' own themes were included. Villa-Lobos on the other hand used his score to create the work recorded here, and commissioned lyrics to the four songs which make up the substantial solo soprano part, together with the vocalises appearing in several movements. The songs, Melodia Sentimental in particular, have also become popular as separate concert items. The suite's twenty-three movements have rousing titles such as 'Forest Fire', 'Head Hunters' and 'Dance of the Indians', but also include numbers such as 'Lullaby' and 'Twilight'. This expansive fresco has now been recorded in a recent, revised edition, prepared by the Villa-Lobos specialist Roberto Duarte, who has also written the liner notes to the disc. The interpretation has been entrusted to John Neschling and the São Paulo Symphony Orchestra, a team which in a recent cycle of Villa-Lobos' complete Choros has proved its ability to paint Brazilian landscapes: 'Villa-Lobos' compatriots have managed to do his quirky genius full justice' wrote the website while the French magazine Diapason awarded the cycle its prestigious Diapason d'Or de l'Année, designating it 'Artistic Project of 2009'.
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  Heitor Villa-Lobos
  Floresta do Amazonas 77'55
01 Ouverture 2'24
02 A Floresta (The Forest) 8'05
03 Dança dos Índios (Dance of the Indians) 3'21
04 Em Plena Floresta (In the Depths of the Forest) 2'15
05 Pássaro da Floresta – Canto I (Bird of the Forest – First Song) 4'24
06 Dança da Natureza (Nature’s Dance) 2'40
07 Pássaro da Floresta – Canto II (Bird of the Forest – Second Song) 3'59
08 Canto na Floresta I (Song in the Forest I) 0'37
09 Conspiração e Dança Guerreira (Conspiracy and War Dance) 4'18
10 Veleiros (Sailing Ships) 3'23
11 Em Caminhos para a Caçada (On the way to the Hunt) 4'52
12 Pássaro da Floresta – Canto III (Bird of the Forest – Third Song) 2'06
13 Cair da Tarde (Twilight) 3'06
14 Os Índios em Busca da Moça (The Indians in Search of the Girl) 0'56
15 Pássaro da Floresta – Canto IV (Bird of the Forest – Fourth Song) 3'24
16 Dança Guerreira – repetição (War Dance – repeat) 1'51
17 Interlúdio e Acalanto (Interlude and Lullaby) 2'50
18 Canto na Floresta II (Song in the Forest II) 3'05
19 Caçadores de Cabeça (Head Hunters) 6'21
20 Canção do Amor (Love Song) 4'01
21 Melodia Sentimental (Sentimental Melody) 3'30
22 O Fogo na Floresta (Forest Fire) 3'53
23 Epílogo 2'34
  Album total 78'38
ConductorNeschling, John
ComposerVilla-Lobos, Heitor
OrchestraSão Paulo Symphony Orchestra
ChoirSão Paulo Symphony Orchestra Choir
SopranoKorondi, Anna is a completely virtual record label and a secure online store open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Customers and visitors can download classical music in high quality FLAC or MP3 and find out more about classical music. Terms and Conditions