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Scenes from the Kalevala

Composer Uuno Klami
Leevi Madetoja
Tauno Pylkkänen
Jean Sibelius
Performer Lahti Symphony Orchestra
Dima Slobodeniouk, conductor
Period Modern
Catalogue Number BIS-2371 SACD
EAN 7318599923710
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date Nov 2021
Total time 70'43

Orchestral music based on the Finnish national epos
The Kalevala is a compilation of mostly original folk poetry, arranged into fifty extensive runos (‘poems’) by the Finnish physician and folklorist Elias Lönnrot. Beginning with the creation of the world, it develops into a series of separate episodes which nevertheless form a rich whole, introducing epic characters such as Väinämöinen, Lemminkäinen and Kullervo. The collection first appeared in 1835, with a final, extended version being published in 1849, and was soon hailed as Finland’s &&&‘national epos’ – a sensitive matter given that the country had been subjected to Russian rule since 1809. It came to play a major part in Finland’s national awakening and had a massive influence on Finnish art in the late 19th century, but its role in the national consciousness remains important even today.

The present album, from the Lahti Symphony Orchestra and Dima Slobodeniouk, brings together Kalevala-related works spanning the period between 1897 and 1943. No such collection could overlook Sibelius, who composed several works inspired by the epos. Included here is a rarity – the first recording of the 1897 version of Lemminkäinen in Tuonela, from the Lemminkäinen Suite. Finnish composers from later generations all had to find a way out from under Sibelius’s shadow – especially so when composing works based on the Kalevala. The portraits of Kullervo which bookend the disc, by Leevi Madetoja and Tauno Pylkkänen, are both compact works in contrast to Sibelius’s large-scale ‘choral symphony’ on the same theme, and when Uuno Klami used bold and primitive colours in his five-movement Kalevala Suite, he was looking towards Stravinsky rather than his countryman.
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  Leevi Madetoja
01 Kullervo, Op. 15 14'01
  Uuno Klami
  Kalevala Suite, Op. 23 28'59
02 I. Maan synty (The Creation of the Earth) 6'38
03 II. Kevään oras (The Sprout of Spring) 4'34
04 III. Terhenniemi 6'42
05 IV. Kehtolaulu Lemminkäiselle (Cradle Song for Lemminkäinen) 5'15
06 V. Sammon taonta (The Forging of the Sampo) 5'50
  Jean Sibelius
07 Lemminkäinen Tuonelassa, Op. 22 No. 2 15'57
  Tauno Pylkkänen
08 Kullervon sotaanlähtö 10'24
  Album total 70'43
ComposerKlami, Uuno
Madetoja, Leevi
Pylkkänen, Tauno
Sibelius, Jean
OrchestraLahti Symphony Orchestra
ConductorSlobodeniouk, Dima is a completely virtual record label and a secure online store open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Customers and visitors can download classical music in high quality FLAC or MP3 and find out more about classical music. Terms and Conditions