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Händel - Messiah Highlights

Composer George Frideric Handel
Performer John Elwes
Yoshikazu Mera
Midori Suzuki
David Thomas
Bach Collegium Japan
Masaaki Suzuki, conductor
Catalogue Number BIS-1521 CD
EAN 7318590015216
Format CD
Release date Aug 2005
Total time 78'45

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  Georg Friedrich Händel
  Messiah, part the First 28'47
01 And without controversy (narrator) 0'36
02 Symphony 3'07
03 Comfort ye my people (tenor) 2'55
04 Ev´ry valley shall be exalted (tenor) 3'15
05 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed (chorus) 2'48
06 Behold, a virgin shall conceive (alto) 0'29
07 O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (alto, chorus) 5'36
08 For unto us a child is born (chorus) 3'46
09 And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano) 0'16
10 Glory to God in the highest (chorus) 1'47
11 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano) 4'12
  Messiah, part the Second 25'04
12 Behold the Lamb of God (chorus) 3'11
13 He was despised and rejected of men (alto) 11'04
14 Surely, He hath borne our griefs (chorus) 1'49
15 And with His stripes we are healed (chorus) 1'34
16 All we like sheep have gone astray (chorus) 3'57
17 Hallelujah! (chorus) 3'29
  Messiah, part the Third 24'03
18 I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano) 5'31
19 Since by man came death (chorus) 2'04
20 Behold, I tell you a mystery (bass) 0'39
21 The trumpet shall sound (bass) 8'48
22 Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (chorus) 7'01
  Album total 78'45
EnsembleBach Collegium Japan
ComposerHändel, Georg Friedrich
Tenor/narratorElwes, John
ConductorSuzuki, Masaaki
AltoMera, Yoshikazu
SopranoSuzuki, Midori
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