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Händel - Messiah

Composer George Frideric Handel
Performer John Elwes
Yoshikazu Mera
Midori Suzuki
David Thomas
Bach Collegium Japan
Masaaki Suzuki, conductor
Catalogue Number BIS-891 CD
EAN 7318598918922
Format CD  –  2 discs
Release date Aug 1997
Total time 140'00

Set of 2 CDsPenguin Guide: Rosette
Top 25 recordings, American Record Guide 2012
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Disc 1
  Georg Friedrich Händel
  Part the First 54'17
01 Majora Canamus (narrator) - And without controversy 0'36
02 Symphony 3'07
03 Accompagnato (tenor) - Comfort ye my people 2'55
04 Air (tenor) - Ev´ry valley shall be exalted 3'15
05 Chorus - And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed 2'48
06 Acc. (bass) - Thus saith the Lord 1'27
07 Air (alto) - But who may abide the day of His coming 4'20
08 Chorus - And He shall purify the sons of Levi 2'27
09 Recitative (alto) - Behold, a virgin shall conceive 0'29
10 Air and Chorus - O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion 5'36
11 Acc. (bass) - For behold, darkness shall cover the earth 2'02
12 Air (bass) - The people that walked in darkness 3'47
13 Chorus - For unto us a child is born 3'46
14 Pifa 2'48
15 Recitative (soprano) - There were shepherds abiding 0'15
16 Acc. (soprano) - And lo, the angel of the Lord 0'17
17 Recitative (soprano) - And the angel said unto them 0'32
18 Acc. (soprano) - And suddenly there was with the angel 0'16
19 Chorus - Glory to God in the highest 1'47
20 Air (soprano) - Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion 4'12
21 Recitative (alto) - Then shall the eyes of the blind be open´d 0'31
22 Duet (alto, soprano) - He shall feed His flock 4'49
23 Chorus - His yoke is easy, His burthen is light 2'15
  Part the Second 52'29
24 Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God 3'11
25 Air (alto) - He was despised and rejected of men 11'04
Disc 2
01 Chorus - Surely, He hath borne our griefs 1'49
02 Chorus - And with His stripes we are healed 1'34
03 Chorus - All we like sheep have gone astray 3'57
04 Acc. (tenor) - All they that see Him laugh 0'46
05 Chorus - He trusted in God that He would deliver Him 2'18
06 Acc. (tenor) - Thy rebuke hath broken His heart 1'47
07 Arioso (tenor) - Behold, and see if there be any sorrow 1'47
08 Acc. (soprano) - He was cut off out of the land 0'17
09 Air (soprano) - But thou didst not leave His soul in Hell 2'10
10 Chorus - Lift up your heads, O ye gates 2'59
11 Recitative (tenor) - Unto which of the angels said He 0'22
12 Chorus - Let all the angels of God worship him 1'26
13 Air (alto) - Thou art gone up on high 2'53
14 Chorus - The Lord gave the word 1'11
15 Air (soprano) - How beautiful are the feet of Him 2'18
16 Chorus - Their sound is gone out 1'44
17 Air (bass) - Why do the nations so furiously rage together 1'22
18 Chorus - Let us break their bonds asunder 1'46
19 Recitative (tenor) - He that dwelleth in heaven 0'12
20 Air (tenor) - Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron 2'07
21 Chorus - Hallelujah! 3'29
  Part the Third 32'41
22 Air (soprano) - I know that my Redeemer liveth 5'31
23 Chorus - Since by man came death 2'04
24 Acc. (bass) - Behold, I tell you a mystery 0'39
25 Air (bass) - The trumpet shall sound 8'48
26 Recitative (alto) - Then shall be brought to pass 0'17
27 Duet (alto, soprano) - O Death, where is the sting 1'45
28 Chorus - But thanks be to God 2'09
29 Air (alto) - If God be for ever 4'27
30 Chorus - Worthy is the Lamb that was slain 7'01
  Album total 140'00
ConductorSuzuki, Masaaki
Tenor/narratorElwes, John
ComposerHändel, Georg Friedrich
EnsembleBach Collegium Japan
BassThomas, David
AltoMera, Yoshikazu
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