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J.S. Bach - Secular Cantatas, Vol.1 (BWV 210, 211)

Composer Johann Sebastian Bach
Performer Makoto Sakurada
Carolyn Sampson
Stephan Schreckenberger
Bach Collegium Japan
Masaaki Suzuki, conductor
Period Baroque
Catalogue Number BIS-1411 CD
EAN 7318590014110
Format CD
Release date Oct 2004
Total time 62'05

International Record Review: outstanding.

Just over twenty secular cantatas by JS Bach have survived, and we know of almost thirty other cantatas that are now lost. The secular cantatas were almost all composed for some important, festive event in a family or in public, academic or political life. The present disc includes one of the most regularly performed of these works, the Coffee Cantata. This was written around 1734, probably for a performance at the Zimmermann Coffee House in Leipzig.
The disc opens with O holder Tag, a wedding cantata for solo soprano dated, in the version here performed, to 1741. (The piece was actually used in more or less modified form by Bach on at least five different occasions, from as early on as 1729.) The solo soprano, in her first BIS recording, is Carolyn Sampson who is one of the most exciting performers in her field today. A stunning introduction to the world of Bach's cantatas and to the incomparable Bach Collegium Japan directed by Masaaki Suzuki.
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  Johann Sebastian Bach
  O Holder Tag, Erwünschte Zeit (Hochzeitskantate), BWV 210 35'00
01 I. Recitativo (soprano) - O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit ... 1'04
02 II. Aria (soprano) - Spielet, ihr beseelten Lieder... 7'00
03 III. Recitativo (soprano) - Doch, haltet ein... 1'03
04 IV. Aria (soprano) - Ruht hie, matte Töne... 8'10
05 V. Recitativo (soprano) - So glaubt man denn, dass die Musik verführe... 1'50
06 VI. Aria (soprano) - Schweigt, ihr Flöten, schweigt, ihr Töne... 4'43
07 VII. Recitativo (soprano) - Was luft? was Grab?... 1'29
08 VIII. Aria (soprano) - Grosser Gönner, dein Vergnügen... 2'43
09 IX. Recitativo (soprano) - Hochteurer Mann, so fahre ferner fort... 1'35
10 X. Aria (soprano) - Seid beglückt, edle beide... 5'23
  Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht (Kaffeekantate), BWV 211 25'08
11 I. Recitativo (tenor) - Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht... 0'34
12 II. Aria (bass) - Hat man nicht mit seinen Kindern... 2'54
13 III. Recitativo (bass, soprano) - Du böses Kind, du loses Mädchen... 0'36
14 IV. Aria (soprano) - Ei! wie schmeckt der Coffee süsse... 4'42
15 V. Recitativo (bass, soprano) - Wenn du mir nicht den Coffee lässt... 1'02
16 VI. Aria (bass) - Mädchen, die von harten Sinnen... 2'55
17 VII. Recitativo (bass, soprano) - Nun folge, was dein Vater spricht!... 0'49
18 VIII. Aria (soprano) - Heute noch, Lieber Vater, tut es doch!... 6'27
19 IX. Recitativo (tenor) - Nun geht und sucht der alte Schlendrian... 0'43
20 X. Chorus (soprano, tenor, bass) - Die Katze lässt das Mausen nicht... 4'26
  Album total 62'05
EnsembleBach Collegium Japan
SopranoSampson, Carolyn
ComposerBach, Johann Sebastian
ConductorSuzuki, Masaaki
TenorSakurada, Makoto
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