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Sibelius - Spirit of Nature. Songs, Cantatas & Orchestral Works

Composer Jean Sibelius
Performer Dominante Choir
Tommi Hakala
Helena Juntunen
Jyrki Korhonen
Lahti Symphony Orchestra
Osmo Vänskä, conductor
Period Romantic
Catalogue Number BIS-1565 CD
EAN 7318590015650
Format CD
Release date Mar 2006
Total time 76'36

Following up on the recently released Song of the Earth (BIS-CD-1365) and Snöfrid (BIS-CD-1265) we present another disc with works for voices and orchestra by Sibelius. The attractive mix of choral cantatas, solo songs with orchestra and purely orchestral works span the years 1891-1926, and thereby the great part of the composer's active career.
In Kullervo's Lament, Luonnotar ('Spirit of Nature') and Väinämöinen's Song it was the Finnish national epos Kalevala which once more provided Sibelius with inspiration and lyrics. The other six vocal works in the programme are settings of poems by Swedish poets, four of them by Viktor Rydberg, whose texts Sibelius used on many occasions. Some of these settings were originally conceived for voice and piano, and are here recorded in the rarely heard orchestral versions. (The disc actually contains five world première recordings.)
Interspersed with these works are the youthful Overture in E major and Scène de ballet - Sibelius's first surviving independent orchestral pieces, conceived as the first two movements of a symphony that was never completed - and the later Pan and Echo, a 'dance intermezzo' written in the spring of 1906.
The programme is performed by Lahti Symphony Orchestra and Osmo Vänskä, a team which has been described as 'the pre-eminent Sibelius interpreters of our day'. The Dominante Choir has previously participated on acclaimed BIS recordings such as that of the opera Aino by Erkki Melartin (BIS-CD-1193/94) and the soloists Helena Juntunen, Tommi Hakala and Jyrki Korhonen all belong to the finest Finnish singers of the younger generation.
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  Jean Sibelius
01 Overture in E major, JS 145 11'17
02 Scène de ballet, JS 163 8'36
03 Kullervo´s Lament (Kullervon valitus) for bass and orchestra, from Op.7 (text: Kalevala) 2'17
04 Serenade, JS 168, for baritone and orchestra (text: Erik Johan Stagnelius) 5'47
05 In the Night (I natten), Op.38, No.3, for baritone and orchestra (text: Viktor Rydberg) 3'37
06 Impromptu, Op.19 - original version, for women´s chorus and orchestra (text: Viktor Rydberg) 5'27
07 Impromptu, Op.19 - final version, for women´s chorus and orchestra (text: Viktor Rydberg) 6'57
08 Pan and Echo, Op.53 4'07
09 Autumn Evening (Höstkväll), Op.38 No.1, for soprano and string orchestra (text: Viktor Rydberg) 4'55
10 Duke Magnus (Hertig Magnus), Op.57 No.6, for soprano and orchestra (text: Ernst Josephson) 3'35
11 Luonnotar, Op.70, for soprano and orchestra 8'50
12 Väinämöinen´s Song (Väinön virsi), Op.110, for mixed chorus and orchestra (text: Kalevala) 8'53
  Album total 76'36
ComposerSibelius, Jean
OrchestraLahti Symphony Orchestra
ConductorVänskä, Osmo
BassKorhonen, Jyrki
BaritoneHakala, Tommi
ChoirDominante Choir
SopranoJuntunen, Helena is a completely virtual record label and a secure online store open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Customers and visitors can download classical music in high quality FLAC or MP3 and find out more about classical music. Terms and Conditions