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Einojuhani Rautavaara & Kalevi Aho: Joy & Asymmetry

Composer Kalevi Aho
Einojuhani Rautavaara
Performer Helsinki Chamber Choir
Nils Schweckendiek, conductor
Catalogue Number BIS-2692 SACD
EAN 7318599926926
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date Aug 2024
Total time 68'18

Einojuhani Rautavaara and Kalevi Aho, teacher and pupil, are both key figures in the Finnish music of their respective generations. Rautavaara’s musical language evolved from neoclassicism through dodecaphony and the stylistic freedom of the 1960s before he eventually allowed himself to choose his expressive idiom according to the individual requirements of his works. Towards the end of his career, his works took on a very consistent, softtoned character. For his part, Aho also began his career using a freely applied neoclassical style before gradually progressing to a more varied, at times modernist expressive and incisive approach.

The works featured on this disc offer a glimpse into the choral output of these two composers who, in addition to demonstrating their stylistic versatility, also reveal their literary curiosity. While Aho draws on contemporary Finnish literature, Rautavaara has recourse to poets of various origins and periods. They are entrusted to the expert voices of the Helsinki Chamber Choir and its conductor, Nils Schweckendiek, who recently won an American Grammy for their disc devoted to the choral works of the late Kaija Sariaaho.
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01 Die erste Elegie (The First Elegy) 9'50
  Kolme laulua Mawlana Rumin runoihin 12'41
02 I. Kotiin! (Homewards!) 4'16
03 II. Yksin sinä (You alone) 4'41
04 III. Kuolkaa! (Die!) 3'44
  Unsere Liebe (Our Love) 9'52
05 I. Meine Liebe (My Love) 1'44
06 II. Dann, in jener Nacht (Then, that Night) 3'31
07 III. Der Brief (The Letter) 1'58
08 IV. Flüstern (Whispering) 2'39
  Ilo ja epäsymmetria (Joy and Asymmetry) 11'38
09 I. Kuljin nuoralla (I walked a tightrope) 2'10
10 II. Aina olin (I was always) 1'03
11 III. Suupielessä naurun hiljainen aihe (A hint of laughter...) 0'49
12 IV. Sateen syksyt (Rainy autumns) 1'49
13 V. Tuoli seisoi (The chair stood) 2'03
14 VI. Kirkkaudessa (Out of the brightness) 1'08
15 VII. Seison tuulessa (I stand in the wind) 2'36
16 Ave Maria, gratia plena 3'45
  Elämän kirja (A Book of Life) 20'32
17 I. Kindheit (Childhood) 3'47
18 II. L'amoureuse (The Woman in Love) 1'05
19 III. Ma bohème (My Bohemian Days) 2'05
20 IV. Hope is the thing with feathers 1'15
21 V. Are you ready? 1'41
22 VI. La mort des pauvres (Death of the Poor) 2'06
23 VII. Es lacht in dem steigendem Jahr (The Tides of the Year...) 1'34
24 VIII. Song of Myself 6'59
  Album total 68'18 is a completely virtual record label and a secure online store open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Customers and visitors can download classical music in high quality FLAC or MP3 and find out more about classical music. Terms and Conditions