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Messiaen - The Complete Music for Organ

Composer Olivier Messiaen
Performer Hans-Ola Ericsson
Period Contemporary
Catalogue Number BIS-1770 CD
EAN 7318591770725
Format CD  –  7 discs
Release date Feb 2009
Total time 505'08

7 CDs for the price of 4

Incorporating the fruits of the composer’s untiring research into the various aspects of tonality, bird-song, ancient Indian and Greek rhythms, and his life-long preoccupation with the philosophy and liturgy of the Catholic Church, the organ music by Olivier Messiaen forms a pillar in the music of the 20th century. Over some 50 years, from Le banquet céleste to Livre du Saint-Sacrement, Messiaen created a body of works for the great Cavaillé-Coll organ in the Church of La Trinité in Paris, where he was active throughout most of his life. All of these have been gathered in this boxed-set of Hans-Ola Ericsson’s highly acclaimed recordings, originally released as single discs between 1989 and 1992. Ericsson recorded his interpretations after an intense collaboration with the composer, and the result has been considered a landmark ever since the original releases. In 1998, the German magazine Die Zeit included the cycle in its listing of ‘111 Discs for the Coming Millennium’ and in 2002 it was described as ‘the most consistently excellent’ by a reviewer in International Record Guide. The present collection also includes new recordings of three posthumous works — Monodie, Offrande au Saint Sacrement and Prélude — as well as recordings of the different birdcalls that Messiaen referred to in several of his scores. The extensive booklet — 232 pages! — contains a full-length essay in three languages (English, French and German) on Messiaen’s organ music and the specific works by Anders Ekenberg, church musician and theologian. It also includes descriptions of the instruments used, as well as a detailed presentation of the different birds whose calls Messiaen included in so many of his organ works.
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Disc 1
  Olivier Messiaen
  L’Ascension (1934) 28'56
01 Majesté du Christ demandant sa gloire à son Père 6'55
02 Alléluias sereins d’une âme qui désire le ciel 7'42
03 Transports de joie d’une âme devant la gloire du Christ qui est la sienne 4'19
04 Prière du Christ montant vers son Père 10'00
  Le Banquet Céleste (1926/28?)
05 Le banquet céleste (1926/28?) 7'50
06 Apparition de l’Église éternelle (1932) 11'11
07 Diptyque (1930) 14'48
Disc 2
  Olivier Messiaen
  La Nativité du Seigneur (1935) 60'07
01 La Vierge et l’Enfant 5'29
02 Les Bergers 7'46
03 Desseins éternels 5'30
04 Le Verbe 12'54
05 Les Enfants de Dieu 4'17
06 Les Anges 3'08
07 Jésus accepte la Souffrance 5'11
08 Les Mages 6'58
09 Dieu parmi nous 8'54
Disc 3
  Olivier Messiaen
  Les Corps glorieux (1939) 54'22
01 I. Subtilité des corps glorieux 5'49
02 II. Les Eaux de la grâce 3'06
03 III. L’Ange aux parfums 7'46
04 IV. Combat de la mort et de la vie 19'01
05 V. Force et agilité des corps glorieux 3'47
06 VI. Joie et clarté des corps glorieux 5'57
07 VII. Le Mystère de la sainte Trinité 8'56
08 Verset pour la fête de la Dédicace (1960) 11'35
Disc 4
  Olivier Messiaen
  Messe de la Pentecôte (1950) 29'39
01 I. Entrée (Les langues de feu). 3'40
02 II. Offertoire (Les choses visibles et invisibles). 12'32
03 III. Consécration (Le don de Sagesse). 3'49
04 IV. Communion (Les oiseaux et les sources). 6'05
05 V. Sortie (Le vent de l’Esprit). 3'33
  Livre d’orgue (1951) 43'58
06 I. Reprises par interversion 5'59
07 II. Pièce en trio 1'51
08 III. Les Mains de l’abîme. 7'50
09 IV. Chants d’oiseaux 7'45
10 V. Pièce en trio. 8'26
11 VI. Les Yeux dans les roues. 1'39
12 VII. Soixante-quatre durées. 10'28
Disc 5
  Olivier Messiaen
  Méditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité (1969) 76'52
01 I. Le Père inengendré 8'57
02 II. La Sainteté de Jésus Christ 11'43
03 III. La relation réelle en Dieu est réellement identique à l’essence 2'10
04 IV. Je suis, Je suis ! 6'15
05 V. Dieu est Immense, Éternel, Immuable – Le souffle de l’Esprit – Dieu est Amour 11'13
06 VI. Le Fils, Verbe et Lumière 8'49
07 VII. Le Père et le Fils aiment par le Saint-Esprit eux-mêmes et nous 6'39
08 VIII. Dieu est simple 11'07
09 IX. Je suis Celui qui suis 9'59
Disc 6
  Olivier Messiaen
  Livre du Saint-Sacrement (1984) opening 74'33
01 I. Adore te 5'52
02 II. La Source de Vie 2'44
03 III. Le Dieu caché 7'52
04 IV. Acte de Foi 2'06
05 V. Puer natus est nobis 6'05
06 VI. La manne et le Pain de Vie 13'28
07 VII. Les ressuscités et la lumière de Vie 4'15
08 VIII. Institution de l’Eucharistie 6'26
09 IX. Les ténèbres 5'26
10 X. La Résurrection du Christ 7'38
11 XI. L’apparition du Christ ressuscité à Marie-Madeleine 12'41
Disc 7
  Olivier Messiaen
  Livre du Saint-Sacrement conclusion 42'28
01 XII. La Transsubstantiation 6'55
02 XIII. Les deux murailles d’eau 7'10
03 XIV. Prière avant la communion 4'55
04 XV. La joie de la grâce 5'23
05 XVI. Prière après la communion 7'06
06 XVII. La Présence multipliée 3'00
07 XVIII. Offrande et Alleluia final 7'59
08 Monodie (1963?) 4'42
09 Offrande au Saint Sacrement (1930/35) 5'30
10 Prélude (1928?) 8'15
  The Birdsong in Messiaen’s Organ Music 16'35
11 Turdus merula (Blackbird) 0'40
12 Luscinia megarhynchos (Nightingale) 0'40
13 Turdus philomelos (Song thrush) 0'40
14 Erithacus rubecula (Robin) 0'40
15 Parus major (Great tit) 0'35
16 Dendrocopos major (Great spotted woodpecker) 0'40
17 Sylvia atricapilla (Blackcap) 0'40
18 Troglodytes troglodytes (Wren) 0'40
19 Sylvia borin (Garden warbler) 0'40
20 Fringilla coelebs (Chaffinch) 0'40
21 Emberiza citrinella (Yellowhammer) 0'40
22 Turdus torquatus (Ring ouzel) 0'40
23 Aegolius funereus (Tengmalm’s owl) 0'40
24 Dryocopus martius (Black woodpecker) 0'35
25 Pycnonotus barbatus (Common bulbul) 0'35
26 Onycognathus tristrami (Tristram’s grackle) 0'35
27 Hippolais pallida (Olivaceaous warbler) 0'35
28 Hippolais olivetorum (Olive-tree warbler) 0'40
29 Oenanthe lugens (Mourning wheatear) 0'40
30 Ammomanes deserti (Desert lark) 0'40
31 Luscinia megarhynchos (Nightingale) 0'40
32 Irania gutturalis (White-throated robin) 0'40
33 Pycnonotus (Common garden bulbul) 0'40
34 Streptopelia senegalensis (Laughing dove) 0'30
35 Hippolais polyglotta (Melodious warbler) 0'35
36 Acrophelagus stentoreus (Clamorous reed warbler) 0'35
  Album total 505'08
ComposerMessiaen, Olivier
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