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Messiaen - The Complete Organ Music, Vol.6

Composer Olivier Messiaen
Performer Hans-Ola Ericsson
Catalogue Number BIS-491 CD
EAN 7318594914928
Format CD  –  2 discs
Release date Feb 1992
Total time 139'03

Set of 2 CDs
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Disc 1
  Olivier Messiaen
  Livre du Saint-Sacrement 117'01
01 I. Adore te 5'52
02 II. La Source de Vie 2'44
03 III. Le Dieu caché 7'52
04 IV. Acte de Foi 2'06
05 V. Puer natus est nobis 6'05
06 VI. La manne et le Pain de Vie 13'28
07 VII. Les ressuscités et la lumière de Vie 4'15
08 VIII. Institution de l'Eucharistie 6'26
09 IX. Les ténèbres 5'26
10 X. La Résurrection du Christ 7'38
11 XI. L'apparition du Christ ressuscité à Marie-Madeleine 12'41
Disc 2
01 XII. La Transsubstantiation 6'55
02 XIII. Les deux murailles d'eau 7'10
03 XIV. Prière avant la communion 4'55
04 XV. La joie de la grâce 5'23
05 XVI. Prière après la communion 7'06
06 XVII. La Présence multipliée 3'00
07 XVIII. Offrande et Alleluia final 7'59
  The Birdsong in Messiaen's Organ Music - European Birds 9'45
08 Turdus merula (Blackbird) 0'40
09 Luscinia megarhynchos (Nightingale) 0'40
10 Turdus philomelos (Song thrush) 0'40
11 Erithacus rubecula (Robin) 0'40
12 Parus major (Great tit) 0'35
13 Dendrocopos major (Great spotted woodpecker) 0'40
14 Sylvia atricapilla (Black cap) 0'40
15 Troglodytes troglodytes (Wren) 0'40
16 Sylvia borin (Garden warbler) 0'40
17 Fringilla coelebs (Chaffinch) 0'40
18 Emberiza citrinella (Yellowhammer) 0'40
19 Turdus torquatus (Ring ouzel) 0'40
20 Aegolius funereus (Tengmalm's owl) 0'40
21 Dryocopus martius (Black woodpecker) 0'35
22 Pycnonotus barbatus (Common bulbul) 0'35
  The Birdsong in Messiaen's Organ Music - Israeli Birds 6'50
23 Onycognathus tristrami (Tristram's grackle) 0'35
24 Hippolais pallida (Olivaceaous warbler) 0'35
25 Hippolais olivetorum (Olive-tree warbler) 0'40
26 Oenanthe lugens (Mourning wheatear) 0'40
27 Ammomanes deserti (Desert lark) 0'40
28 Luscinia megarhynchos (Nightingale) 0'40
29 Irania gutturalis (White-throated robin) 0'40
30 Pycnonotus (Common garden bulbul) 0'40
31 Streptopelia senegalensis (Laughing dove) 0'30
32 Hippolais polyglotta (Melodious warbler) 0'35
33 Acrophelagus stentoreus (Clamorous rees warbler) 0'35
  Album total 139'03
ComposerMessiaen, Olivier
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