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Modern Music for Choir

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  Moses Pergament
01 Visan (Song) 3'38
  Torbjörn Iwan Lundquist
02 Afton (Evening) 1'43
  Bengt Carlsson
03 Intet är som väntans tider (Nothing Compares With Waiting) 3'12
  Karl-Erik Welin
  Fem dikter (Five Poems)
04 I. Att leva (To Be Alive) - II. Kristus har dött för mig (Christ Has Died For Me) - III. Min lycka är ofrånkomlig (My Happiness Is Unavoidable) - IV. Han som dog (He That Died) - V. Bland människor (Among People) 5'21
  Bo Nilsson
05 Ayiasma 3'35
  Bo Nilsson
06 Der Glückliche (The Happy Man) 2'10
  Erkki Salmenhaara
  Kuun Kasvot (Faces of the Moon)
07 I - II - III - IV 7'01
  Einojuhani Rautavaara
  Ludus Verbalis (Word Game)
08 I. Personalia - II. Temporalia - III. Qualitativa - IV. Quantitativa 3'34
  Knut Nystedt
09 De Profundis (Out of the Depths) 8'27
  Sparre Olsen
10 Elsk din neste (Love Your Neighbour) 1'56
  Heitor Villa-Lobos
  From Bendita sabedoria (Proverbs)
11 I - II - IV - VI 6'12
  Sven-Eric Johanson
12 Dilemma 1'32
  Moses Pergament
13 Nu samlar Gud i sin hand (Now God Gathers in his Hand) 3'41
  Gerald Finzi
14 God is Gone Up 4'31
  Album total 58'27
ComposerCarlsson, Bengt
Finzi, Gerald
Johanson, Sven-Eric
Lundquist, Torbjörn Iwan
Nilsson, Bo
Nystedt, Knut
Olsen, Sparre
Pergament, Moses
Rautavaara, Einojuhani
Salmenhaara, Erkki
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
Welin, Karl-Erik
ConductorIsacson, Einar
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