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Sebastian Fagerlund - Darkness in Light

Composer Sebastian Fagerlund
Performer Pekka Kuusisto
Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Hannu Lintu, conductor
Period Contemporary
Catalogue Number BIS-2093 SACD
EAN 7318599920931
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date Feb 2015
Total time 56'56

Supersonic, Pizzicato: “Pekka Kuusisto spielt atemberaubend virtuos und sensuell zugleich, und Hannu Lintu schafft mit dem Finnischen Radioorchester eine prachtvolle Klangkulisse für den Solisten. … Mit- und hinreißend!”

The style in which the Finnish composer Sebastian Fagerlund composes might be described as ‘magic realism’, combining elements of surrealism with factual narrative. Drawing upon the symphony orchestra’s full spectrum of colours, the music reflects not only the traditions of impressionism, modernism and post-minimalism but also reveals the composer’s acute ear for other genres, from cool jazz to ambient music. An earlier recording of orchestral works by Fagerlund was described by the enthusiastic reveiwer in BBC Music Magazine as displaying 'boundless technical resource at the service of a considerable imagination'. These qualities, and his receptivity towards different musical traditions Fagerlund shares with Pekka Kuusisto, to whom the violin concerto Darkness in Light is dedicated. The title of the work is a subtle reference to a quote from author Haruki Murakami’s novella Firefly: ‘Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it’, and illustrates how the music transcends distinctions: darkness and light, tonality and atonality, orchestra and soloist, destruction and renewal – there cannot be one without the other. The disc closes with the orchestral work Ignite, composed for the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra which performs it here, under its chief conductor Hannu Lintu. The work takes its name from the constant collision of ideas that ‘ignites’ new energy, but in terms of form the inspiration has been the spiral, a shape found in DNA and mussel shells as well as in whirlwinds and the structure of galaxies. With a duration of 30 minutes, the work is organized in four movements separated by brief interludes – all of which are played without interruption.
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  Sebastian Fagerlund
  Violin Concerto ‘Darkness in Light’ (2012) 26'38
01 I. Energico – 12'49
02 II. Lento intenso – 8'34
03 III. Bruscamente 5'15
  Ignite for orchestra (2010) 29'31
04 I. Presto, furioso – 4'09
05 Interlude I. Espressivo – 0'50
06 II. Energico, molto ritmico – 7'00
07 Interlude II. Espressivo – 1'05
08 III. Lento misterioso, molto calmo – 11'38
09 Interlude III. Intenso – 0'36
10 IV. Esaltato 4'13
  Album total 56'56
ComposerFagerlund, Sebastian
ConductorLintu, Hannu
OrchestraFinnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
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