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Camerata Nordica

Camerata Nordica was established in 1974 as the Oskarshamn Ensemble and forms part of the regional music organization in the county of Kalmar, in south-eastern Sweden. Performing standing up and without a conductor, the ensemble projects an energy and unanimity of musical purpose that has become part of its distinctive profile. It is at home in the entire repertoire for string orchestra, from the baroque to contemporary music. Depending on repertoire the number of musicians varies from 15 to 20, all selected from among the finest players in the Scandinavian countries and beyond.

Locally Camerata Nordica enjoys a strong rapport with its audiences and forms the backbone of a rich musical environment. Performing for children is a priority for the ensemble, and besides giving traditional concerts it has also performed with great success at rock festivals. Among its several recordings no less than three have been nominated to the Swedish Grammis Awards, and it regularly appears on Swedish radio and television. Besides touring in Sweden, Camerata Nordica has made numerous appearances throughout Europe and the USA, and tours to Mexico, Argentina and Brazil. In 2013 Camerata Nordica made its début at the BBC Proms.

For further information please visit Camerata Nordica's website.

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