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Mahler - Symphony No. 10

Composer Michelle Castelletti
Gustav Mahler
Performer Lapland Chamber Orchestra
John Storgårds, conductor
Period Modern
Catalogue Number BIS-2376 SACD
EAN 7318599923765
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date Mar 2019
Total time 76'33

Left unfinished at the death of the composer, Gustav Mahler's Tenth Symphony has exerted an enormous fascination on musicologists as well as musicians. Whether fully orchestrated in specific passages, or a sole melody in others, there is one continuous line throughout the surviving manuscript pages and over the years a number of different completions or performing versions have seen the light of day. One of the latest is this 'recreation' of the work for chamber orchestra by composer and conductor Michelle Castelletti. In her liner notes to the recording, Castelletti describes the symphony as 'possibly one of Mahler’s most passionate emotional outbursts and autobiographical creations'. The decision to make an orchestration for chamber forces was inspired by the example of the Viennese Society for Private Musical Performance, established by Arnold Schönberg in 1918 with the goal of performing newly composed music. Among the works performed by the Society were chamber orchestra versions of Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 and Das Lied von der Erde – the latter made by Schoenberg himself – and in her version of Symphony No. 10, Castelletti uses a similar instrumentation. This new completion appears on disc for the first time, in a performance by the acclaimed Lapland Chamber Orchestra under John Storgårds, the ensemble’s artistic director since 1996.
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  Gustav Mahler
  Symphony No. 10 in F sharp major 76'09
01 I. Adagio. Andante – Adagio 25'22
02 II. Scherzo. Schnelle Viertel 11'12
03 III. Purgatorio. Allegretto moderato 3'50
04 IV. Scherzo. Allegro pesante. Nicht zu schnell 12'50
05 V. Finale. Langsam, schwer – Allegro moderato 22'55
  Album total 76'33
ComposerMahler, Gustav
ArrangerCastelletti, Michelle
Chamber orchestraLapland Chamber Orchestra
ConductorStorgårds, John is a completely virtual record label and a secure online store open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Customers and visitors can download classical music in high quality FLAC or MP3 and find out more about classical music. Terms and Conditions