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Camerata RCO

Camerata RCO consists of members of the Concertgebouworkest who, beside their work in the symphony orchestra, also enjoy playing together in a small ensemble. Camerata RCO offers them the opportunity to choose and play a different repertoire and decide themselves the circumstances in which to perform it. It also provides the members with occasion to work more intimately together, and to develop a closer relationship to their audience. With residencies in several concert halls and festivals, Camerata RCO performs at numerous concerts in the Netherlands and internationally, appearing in cities such as New York, Washington, Tokyo, Seoul, Vienna, Rome, Lisbon and Madrid. Camerata RCO has appeared on many radio and television broadcasts and has recorded a number of CDs. is a completely virtual record label and a secure online store open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Customers and visitors can download classical music in high quality FLAC or MP3 and find out more about classical music. Terms and Conditions