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Alexander Chaushian

The internationally acclaimed Armenian cellist Alexander Chaushian is artistic director of the International Pharos Chamber Music Festival in Cyprus and (together with Eduard Topchjan) the Yerevan International Music Festival in Armenia. Performing worldwide, he collaborates with acclaimed conductors, orchestras and artists at prestigious festivals and venues. Concerto appearances have included concerts with the Philharmonia and Royal Philharmonic Orchestras, the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Orches tre de la Suisse Romande and the Boston Pops. Chaushian performs regularly at venues such as the Wigmore Hall and Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, the Vienna Konzerthaus and Tokyo’s Suntory Hall, as well as Carnegie Hall in New York and Symphony Hall in Boston. In chamber music he appears with musicians such as Yuja Wang, Julia Fischer, Diemut Poppen, Emma nuel Pahud and Ashley Wass. His regular chamber music partner is pianist Yevgeny Sudbin with whom he has made acclaimed recordings for the BIS label. Also on BIS he has released an album of Armenian music for cello and orchestra to critical acclaim. After initial studies in Armenia, Alexander Chaushian studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in the United King dom. He then pursued advanced studies at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin. Chaushian went on to win prizes at prestigious competitions including Premio Mozart in Italy, the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow and the ARD Competition in Germany. Chaushian is professor of cello at the Royal College of Music and Conservatorium Maastricht.

Armenian Cello Concertos - Past Meets Present
A journey through Armenian works for cello and orchestra
Schumann: Piano Quartet - Brahms: Piano Quintet
Armenian Rhapsody
BIS-1948 CD
”A surprisingly fascinating collection." Fanfare
Russian Cello Sonatas
Weinberg - Cello Sonatas
BIS-1648 CD
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