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Ernesto Lecuona - Love Songs

Composer Ernesto Lecuona
Performer John Constable
Carole Farley
Period Romantic
Catalogue Number BIS-1374 CD
EAN 7318590013748
Format CD
Release date May 2004
Total time 70'28

Gramophone: Editor's Choice; Fanare: The Want List.

It caused a sensation when BIS almost a decade ago released the first of a series devoted to the Cuban composer and performer Ernesto Lecuona’s piano music. Revealed to a wider audience was a string of unforgettable and often familiar melodies, of such natural charm that noone had ever thought to ask who had actually composed them.

The piano was Ernesto Lecuona’s instrument but throughout his life he also composed songs, many of which were given great currency from being used in films of his day. Right from the start of the Lecuona project it was our intention to add a disc of Lecuona’s songs to the solo piano music and we are now able to fulfil this wish.

Soprano Carole Farley brings a real enthusiasm for this music to the programme – as well as enviable vocal skills. She is accompanied by pianist John Constable with whom she has clearly developed a very close rapport. This disc of love songs traces the full range of emotions connected with human passion. And if the distinction of Editor’s Choice in the Gramophone (September 2004) is anything to go by, it seems that Lecuona’s Love Songs are as sensational as his piano music!

Some press voices:
‘Other recordings of Lecuona’s songs do exist, but this is the one that will put them on the map.’ Classical Music Web

’This album is likely to please lovers of the classical Lecuona, for the 25 songs are lovingly and beautifully rendered in Farley's amazing voice, with John Constable deftly matching the constant changes in mood.’ The Miami Herald 27 August 2004

’Carole Farley makes a wonderful advocate for the seductive languor of this music. A real gem of a disc!’ James Jolly, Editor of Gramophone September 2004
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  Ernesto Lecuona
01 Siempre en mi corazón (Always in my heart) 3'35
02 Como presiento (The feeling I have) 2'17
03 Allá en la sierra (There in the mountains) from Córdoba 2'28
04 Tu no tienes corazón (You have no heart) 2'48
05 Mi corazón se fué (I lost my heart) 3'20
06 Dame de tus rosas (Give me of your roses) 3'44
07 ¡No es por ti! (It´s not because of you!) 2'31
08 ¡Mira! (Look!) (Text: José Serebrier) from La Habanera 3'02
09 Dame el amor (Give me your love) 2'53
10 Que risa me da (Oh what a laugh) (Text: Alvaro Suarez) 1'16
11 La comparsa (The procession) 2'33
12 Al fin (Finally) 3'38
13 Se abrieron las flores (The flowers opened) (Text: Alvaro Suarez) 3'28
14 Conga Cuba 1'30
15 Amor tardio (Belated love) 1'55
16 En una noche así (On a night like this) 3'19
17 Devuélveme el corazón (Give me back my heart) (Text: José Serebrier) 2'28
18 Primavera de ilusión (Spring of illusion) 2'46
19 Un amor vendrá (A love will come) 3'03
20 Me has dejado (You have left me) 2'38
21 No me engañarás (You won´t deceive me) 2'47
22 Rumba mejoral (Pronouncing rumba) (Text: Alvaro Suarez) 1'01
23 No me mires ni nime hables (Don´t look at me or speak to me) (Text: Alvaro Suarez) 2'52
24 Mi amor fue una flor (My love was a flower) 2'28
25 Canción del amor triste (Song of sad love) (Text: Juana de Ibarbourou) 3'55
  Album total 70'28
PianoConstable, John
SopranoFarley, Carole
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