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And the sun darkened - music for Passiontide

Composer Loyset Compere
Cyrillus Kreek
Pierre de la Rue
Andrew Smith
Adrian Willaert
Performer New York Polyphony
Period Renaissance
Catalogue Number BIS-2277 SACD
EAN 7318599922775
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date Mar 2021
Total time 58'28

Resonating across more than five centuries, expressions of personal piety and prayer fill these works by a quartet of Franco-Flemish composers, all born in the 15th century, and their modern-day colleagues, Estonian Cyrillus Kreek (1889-1962) and British-Norwegian Andrew Smith (b. 1970).&&&

For those familiar with the vocal ensemble New York Polyphony and its previous acclaimed releases on BIS, this exploration of the intersection of ancient and modern music is far from surprising: the group is known for its innovative program­ming. On And the sun darkened the four members follow Josquin’s celebrated motet Tu pauperum refugium with Andrew Smith’s setting of Psalm 55 – composed for NYP, it is a lament which nevertheless closes with an expression of confidence in God’s justice. Sung in Estonian another biblical psalm is heard in Kreek’s Taaveti laul 22 (‘David’s 22nd Song’), the text ‘My God, why have you forsaken me’ preparing the listener for the work that has given the disc its title. Officium de Cruce by Loyset Compère is a setting of a 14th-century hymn which follows the episodes of the Passion in a continuously flowing musical narrative: from the betrayal of Christ to his death – when the sun darkened – and entombment.
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  Loyset Compere
01 Crux triumphans 5'55
  Josquin Desprez
02 Tu pauperum refugium 3'04
  Andrew Smith
03 Salme 55 12'27
  Adrian Willaert
  Pater noster - Ave Maria 8'07
04 Pater noster 4'34
05 Ave Maria 3'33
  Cyrillus Kreek
06 Taaveti laul 22 (Psalm 22) 4'37
  Loyset Compere
  Officium de Cruce 19'16
07 Prima pars: In nomine Jesu 2'09
08 Secunda pars: Adoramus te Christe 1'43
09 Tertia pars: Patris sapientia 1'50
10 Quarta pars: Hora prima 1'46
11 Quinta pars: Crucifige clamitant 2'16
12 Sexta pars: Hora sexta 2'12
13 Septima pars: Hora nona 2'24
14 Octava pars: De cruce deponitur 2'18
15 Nona pars: Hora completorii 2'38
  Pierre de La Rue
16 O salutaris hostia 3'08
  Album total 58'28
ComposerCompere, Loyset
Desprez, Josquin
Kreek, Cyrillus
Pierre de La Rue
Smith, Andrew
Willaert, Adrian
PerformerNew York Polyphony is a completely virtual record label and a secure online store open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Customers and visitors can download classical music in high quality FLAC or MP3 and find out more about classical music. Terms and Conditions