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endBeginning - Franco-Flemish polyphony

Composer Antoine Brumel
Jacobus Clemens non Papa
Thomas Crecquillon
Josquin Desprez
Jackson Hill
Performer New York Polyphony
Catalogue Number BIS-1949 SACD
EAN 7318599919492
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date Feb 2012
Total time 67'58

10/10; 5 Diapasons, Diapason
“Le quatuour fait preuve d'une maîtrise souveraine et expressive de l'art vocal a cappella ... Impressionnante.” Diapason; “You’ll find nothing but reasons to keep listening.” Classics Today; “A must for fans of Renaissance or contemporary polyphony.” Early Music America; “Durchaus von gestischen Ansätzen beflügelt, singen die vier Herren absolut homogen, klangvoll, belebt und drucklos.”;“A beautifully conceived, performed and produced release.” MusicWeb International

New York Polyphony records endBeginning (~ 7 min.)

New York Polyphony has assembled a programme of sacred vocal music composed largely by Franco-Flemish composers active in the first half of the 16th century, exploring from a number of perspectives the themes of grief, loss and mortality. &&&
This music was produced during a volatile period in European history, a time punctuated by religious persecution, destructive war-fare, and repeated outbreaks of plague and famine. Death was an ever-present and inescapable companion even for the most privileged members of society.
Music played a vital role in helping people cope with the feelings of sadness, loss and anger over death, whether through the raw expression of personal grief in a devotional lament, or the more reserved expression of collective grief found in music intended to accompany a formal liturgical ceremony.
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  Antoine Brumel
  Missa pro defunctis 28'50
01 I. Introit 5'57
02 II. Kyrie 3'16
03 III. Sequence 13'15
04 IV. Sanctus 1'53
05 V. Agnus Dei 1'34
06 VI. Communio 2'55
  Libera me, Domine
07 Libera me, Domine - plainsong 4'22
  Thomas Crecquillon
  Lamentationes Jeremiae 13'31
08 I. Vau 2'31
09 II. Zain 3'30
10 III. Lamed 2'28
11 IV. Mem 5'02
  Jacobus Clemens non Papa
12 Tristitia obsedit me - Infelix ego 8'52
  Josquin Desprez
13 Absalon fili mi 3'53
  In paradisum
14 In paradisum - plainsong 1'15
  Jackson Hill
15 Ma fin est mon commencement 5'54
  Album total 67'58
ComposerBrumel, Antoine
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus
Crecquillon, Thomas
Desprez, Josquin
Hill, Jackson
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