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James Newby

The British baritone James Newby is the winner of numerous international awards, most notably the 2016 Kathleen Ferrier Award, the Wigmore Hall / Independent Opera Voice Fellowship (2016), the Richard Tauber Prize (for best interpretation of a Schubert Lied) and Glyndebourne’s prestigious John Christie Award (2017). He was one of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment’s Rising Stars for 2017–19 and a BBC New Generation Artist (2018–20). A noted Lieder interpreter, James Newby’s unique skills as a communicator ensure that he is in constant demand as a recitalist. Selection as an ECHO Rising Star for the 2020–21 season resulted in invitations from some of Europe’s most prestigious concert halls and festivals, in addition to regular performances at London’s Wigmore Hall. He works with pianists Joseph Middleton and Simon Lepper. In concert, James Newby has appeared with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and BBC National Orchestra of Wales as well as the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century, Gabrieli Consort and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.  James Newby was a 2017 Jerwood Young Artist at Glyndebourne Festival Opera and appeared in La Traviata, Hamlet, La Clemenza di Tito and in the role of the notary in Don Pasquale. Other roles include Jesus in a staged Bach St John Passion with the Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa directed by Calixto Bieito, and his début at La Monnaie, Brussels, in Howard Moody’s PUSH. An ensemble member of the Hannover Staatsoper (2019–21), his roles include Papageno (Die Zauberflöte), Schaunard (La Bohème), Dr Falke (Die Fledermaus), Guglielmo (Così fan tutte) and Belcore (L’elisir d’amore). He studied at Trinity Laban Conservatoire with Alison Wells and at Guildhall School of Music with Robert Dean, with whom he continues to work.

Fallen to Dust - English Song Recital
A collection of English songs reflecting on loss and grief, but ...
I wonder as I wander
Songs by Beethoven, Schubert, Mahler and Britten
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