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Noriko Ogawa plays Satie - Piano Music, Vol. 2

Composer Erik Satie
Performer Noriko Ogawa
Period Modernism
Catalogue Number BIS-2225 SACD
EAN 7318599922256
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date May 2017
Total time 75'22

Released in 2016 – the 150th anniversary of the birth of Erik Satie – the first volume of this series was warmly greeted by reviewers worldwide, who praised the clarity of Noriko Ogawa’s interpretations as well as the crystalline sound of her chosen instrument, an Érard grand piano from 1890. Like its predecessor, this second instalment takes in music from different phases of the composer’s career&&&, including the very early Three Sarabandes from 1887. A few years later Satie became involved with an esoteric society called ‘The Catholic Rosy Cross of the Temple and the Grail’ for which he composed works such as the Sonneries de la Rose+Croix. Throughout his life, Satie identified strongly with children and famously said of himself that he ‘came into the world very young, in an age that was very old’. In 1913, during what is often termed his ‘humorous’ period he composed the four sets of children’s pieces (‘Enfantines’) included on the disc. Hailing from the same period are the two sets of ‘Flabby preludes for a dog’ as well as the suite Sports et divertissements. Often regarded as one of the finest examples of Satie’s art, this consists of a prelude and 20 musical snapshots depicting different sports and leisure activities, including golf, fishing and dancing. The suite was first published as a collector's album, accompanied by illustrations by Charles Martin and Satie’s own prose poetry and calligraphy.
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  Erik Satie
01 Prélude de La porte héroïque du ciel 3'25
  Erik Satie
  Sports et divertissements 13'06
02 Choral inappétissant 1'08
03 La Balançoire 0'39
04 La Chasse 0'17
05 La Comédie italienne 0'31
06 Le Réveil de la mariée 0'25
07 Colin-maillard 0'37
08 La Pêche 0'42
09 Le Yachting 0'56
10 Le Bain de mer 0'40
11 Le Carnaval 0'28
12 Le Golf 0'29
13 La Pieuvre 0'30
14 Les Courses 0'21
15 Les Quatre-coins 0'51
16 Le Pique-nique 0'27
17 Le Water-chute 0'41
18 Le Tango 1'28
19 Le Traîneau 0'25
20 Le Flirt 0'28
21 Le Feu d’artifice 0'25
22 Le Tennis 0'38
  Erik Satie
  Trois Sarabandes 14'35
23 I. [untitled] 5'11
24 II. [untitled: ‘à Maurice Ravel’] 4'33
25 III. [untitled] 4'51
  Erik Satie
  Préludes flasques (pour un chien) 4'04
26 I. Voix d’intérieur 1'00
27 II. Idylle cynique 0'50
28 III. Chanson canine 1'15
29 IV. Avec camaraderie 0'59
  Erik Satie
  Véritables préludes flasques (pour un chien) 2'31
30 Sévère réprimande 0'40
31 Seul à la maison 1'05
32 On joue 0'46
  Erik Satie
  Sonneries de la Rose+Croix 13'16
33 Air de l’ordre 4'15
34 Air du grand maître 5'37
35 Air du grand prieur 3'24
  Erik Satie
  Menus propos enfantins 2'52
36 I. Le chant guerrier du roi des haricots 1'00
37 II. Ce que dit la petite princesse des tulipes 0'42
38 III. Valse du chocolat aux amandes 1'10
  Erik Satie
  Enfantillages pittoresques 3'24
39 Petit prélude à la journée 0'45
40 Berceuse 1'18
41 Marche du grand escalier 1'21
  Erik Satie
  Trois préludes du Fils des étoiles 11'08
42 Prélude du 1er acte – la vocation 4'02
43 Prélude du 2e acte – l’initation 3'23
44 Prélude du 3e acte – l’incantation 3'43
  Erik Satie
  Peccadilles importunes 2'16
45 I. Etre jaloux de son camarade qui a une grosse tête 0'33
46 II. Lui manger sa tartine 1'14
47 III. Profiter de ce qu’il a des cors aux pieds pour lui prendre son cerceau 0'29
  Erik Satie
  Trois nouvelles enfantines 1'50
48 I. Le vilain petit vaurien 0'29
49 II. [Berceuse] 0'48
50 III. La gentille toute petite fille 0'33
  Album total 75'22
ComposerSatie, Erik
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