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Szymanowski - Music for Violin and Piano

Composer Karol Szymanowski
Performer Sueye Park
Roland Pöntinen
Period Modern
Catalogue Number BIS-2652 SACD
EAN 7318599926520
Format SACD Hybrid

This hybrid disc plays on both CD and SACD players
SACD Surround - SACD Stereo - CD Stereo

Release date Apr 2023
Total time 68'15

Some of the Polish composer’s most sensual and exotic works
Lush, impressionistic, exotic, erotically charged even, Karol Szymanowski’s music appears as a world in its own right, a refuge from the harshest aspects of reality, but also a place in which, paradoxically, the dreamer can find the strength and solace needed to cope with the real world and is drawn into an alternative, heightened state of consciousness.
Sueye Park and Roland Pöntinen take us on a journey through the Polish composer’s works for violin and piano. While the early Violin Sonata in D minor already shows Szymanowski’s precocious talent in writing for violin, the &&&Romance in D major and the Nocturne et Tarantelle indicate the emergence of a feverish and exotic atmosphere as well as the musical expression of physical intoxication, a characteristic of the composer’s mature works. Mythes (1915) represents Szymanowski at the zenith of his artistry, creating ‘a new mode of expression for the violin’ and through this an other-worldly musical language. La Berceuse d’Aïtacho Enia concludes this disc in a dreamy yet troubled mood, as if the pains of the real world had ultimately found a way to reach us.
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  Karol Szymanowski
  Mythes, Op.30 21'45
01 1. La Fontaine d'Arethuse 6'00
02 2. Narcisse 7'36
03 3. Dryades et Pan 8'09
  Violin Sonata in D minor, Op.9 22'44
04 I. Allegro moderato 10'08
05 II. Andantino tranquillo e dolce - Scherzando - Tempo I 6'49
06 III. Allegro molto, quasi presto 5'47
07 Romance in D major, Op.23 6'54
  Notturno and Tarantella, Op.28 11'52
08 1. Notturno 5'46
09 2. Tarantella 6'06
10 La Berceuse d'Aitacho Enia, Op.52 4'56
  Album total 68'15
ComposerSzymanowski, Karol
ViolinPark, Sueye
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