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Schoenberg / Webern - Chamber Music

Composer Arnold Schoenberg
Anton Webern
Performer Roland Pöntinen
Torleif Thedéen
Ulf Wallin
Period Romantic
Catalogue Number BIS-1467 CD
EAN 7318590014677
Format CD
Release date Jun 2005
Total time 69'22

Klassik Heute: outstanding.

This is the second disc in a triptych of chamber music by the composers of the Second Vienna School: Schoenberg and his students Webern and Berg. The first disc – BIS-CD-1407 – featured Schoenberg’s complete music for violin and piano in committed performances by Ulf Wallin and Roland Pöntinen. These two now return, and are joined by Torleif Thedéen on the cello, in a less usual trio arrangement of Verklärte Nacht, made by Schönberg’s student Eduard Steuermann, as well as an arrangement by the composer’s son-in-law Felix Greissle of Sonnet No. 217 by Petrarch, the fourth movement of the Serenade, Op. 24.
These two works frame a programme of works by Webern for piano solo, cello and piano and violin and piano, spanning from the tonal Two Pieces for cello and piano (written in 1899, before Webern had come into contact with Schönberg), to the 1936 Variations for piano, composed for the above-mentioned Eduard Steuermann. This disc then offers, in the shape of a highly varied programme, an opportunity to discover how the shift was made from high romanticism to modernism during some four decades in Vienna. The three musicians guiding us have worked together, live and on recordings, for more than 20 years, and are represented on a large number of BIS releases.

Some press voices:
"Rundum begeisternd. Hört man den Beginn der Verklärten Nacht in der selten
aufgeführten Bearbeitung von Eduard Steuermann für Klaviertrio dermaßen
spannungsvoll und innig musiziert wie hier von Wallin, Thedéen und Pöntinen,
dann vergißt man beinahe die Originalfassungen." Klassik
Choose format
  Arnold Schönberg
  Verklärte Nacht, Op.4. Transcription for Piano Trio by Eduard Steuermann 28'36
01 Sehr langsam (bar 1) 6'20
02 Breiter (bar 100) 5'48
03 Schwer betont (bar 201) 2'04
04 Sehr breit und langsam (bar 229) 10'03
05 Sehr ruhig (bar 370) 4'21
  Anton von Webern
  Two Pieces for Cello and Piano 4'18
06 I. Langsam 2'30
07 II. Langsam 1'48
  Anton von Webern
08 Cello Sonata 1'32
  Anton von Webern
  Three Little Pieces for cello and piano, Op.11 2'30
09 I. Mässige ♪ 1'03
10 II. Sehr bewegt 0'19
11 III. Äusserst ruhig 1'08
  Anton von Webern
12 Sonata Movement (Rondo) for piano 4'46
  Anton von Webern
13 Movement for piano 6'55
  Anton von Webern
  Variations for piano, Op.27 6'44
14 I. Sehr mässig 1'54
15 II. Sehr schnell 0'41
16 III. Ruhig fliessend 4'09
  Anton von Webern
17 Piano Pieces, Op. posth. 1'12
  Anton von Webern
18 Children´s Pieces for violin and piano 1'18
  Anton von Webern
  Four Pieces for violin and piano, Op.7 4'49
19 I. Sehr langsam 1'10
20 II. Rasch 1'15
21 III. Sehr langsam 1'32
22 IV. Bewegt 0'52
  Arnold Schönberg
23 Sonnet No.217 by Petrarch (Fourth movement of Serenade, Op.24). Transcription for Piano Trio by Felix Greissle 3'57
  Album total 69'22
ComposerSchönberg, Arnold
Webern, Anton von
PianoPöntinen, Roland
CelloThedéen, Torleif
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