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Olivia Vermeulen

The mezzo-soprano Olivia Vermeulen has established herself as a versatile soloist on major international stages. She appears regularly at prestigious festivals, and collaborates with conductors such as Philippe Herreweghe, Helmuth Rilling, Iván Fischer, Peter Eötvös, Marek Janowski, Andrea Marcon, Reinhard Goebel, Michael Schønwandt, Andreas Spering, Konrad Junghänel and Lothar Zagrosek. Recent highlights include her début at the Berlin State Opera under the baton of René Jacobs, and with the London Symphony Orchestra under Daniel Harding. The Dutch mezzo-soprano’s artistry is showcased in numerous broadcasts and on CD recordings.

Mozart - Great Mass in C minor
Winner of the Gramophone Awards 2017: Choral Music
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