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Sueye Park

Sueye Park was born in South Korea and started violin lessons at the age of four. Her exceptional musical talent was recognized early on, and at the age of only nine she began her studies with Ulf Wallin at the Hochschule für Musik ‘Hanns Eisler’ in Berlin. Since 2020 she has continued her studies at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna under Ulf Wallin, Avo Kouyoumdjian and Clive
Brown. As a soloist Sueye Park has appeared with orchestras including the Orchestra of the Komische Oper Berlin, Staatskapelle Weimar, Korean Symphony Orchestra and Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra. She has also performed at various festivals and concert halls across Europe, as well as in Israel, Tunisia, Indonesia and South Korea and appearing with such artists as Adrian Brendel, Gary Hoffman, Tatjana
Masurenko, Roland Pöntinen and Nicolas Stavy.
Sueye Park has participated in numerous radio and TV broadcasts internationally. Making her début on disc in 2017 with the Paganini Caprices [BIS-2282], she released the solo recital ‘Journey through a Century’ [BIS-2492] in 2021, a disc which was chosen as Recording of the Month in Gramophone and, in 2022, a recording of Isang Yun’s Third Violin Concerto with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Osmo Vänskä [BIS-2642]. Her repertoire includes solo works from Bach and Biber to Isang Yun and Luciano Berio, as well as the great Romantic and Classical concertos and contemporary works for violin and orchestra. She has gained artistic impulses from such figures as Saschko Gawriloff, Ivry Gitlis, Ida Haendel, Nobuko Imai, Mihaela Martin and Donald Weilerstein. She has attended masterclasses at, for instance, the Seiji Ozawa Academy, Kronberg Academy and the Keshet Eilon music centre in Israel.

Allan Pettersson - Complete Edition
The Complete Allan Pettersson – 17 discs
Pettersson - Concerto for Violin & String Quartet
Early chamber works from the Swedish symphonist
Szymanowski - Music for Violin and Piano
Some of the Polish composer’s most sensual and exotic works
Dmitri Shostakovich - Works Unveiled
Isang Yun - Three Late Works
Journey through a Century - solo violin works
Salut d’amour - violin favourites
Paganini - 24 Caprices
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